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Property Insurance

If you are looking for cheap commercial property insurance you have come to the right place. Although cheap, this product has ALL the protection you are looking for. In other words, Pronto has the best insurance prices.

Pronto’s business commercial property insurance can protect your business from minor hiccups to major financial loss. Whether you own your building, lease your workspace or work at home, business property insurance protects your physical assets.

Commercial property insurance plans vary but are generally categorized by the type of event leading to a loss, and by what is specifically insured.

For instance:

  • A fire could destroy your building and the contents inside
  • A burst water pipe could damage your documents, drawings or other valuable papers
  • A storm could damage your outdoor sign

What does business property insurance cover?

Small business property insurance is one of the most important investments to ensure your businesses future. Here are some of the important aspects that commercial property insurance helps protect:

  • Your building
  • Your inventory
  • Your fence and landscaping
  • Your outdoor sign
  • Your furniture and equipment
  • Other’s Property

Pronto Insurance understands that your business is unique and is constantly changing, and will tailor our commercial building insurance policy to fit your needs.

Businesses are comprised of physical assets, contents, and outdoor fixtures like signs or fences. These can all be damaged, which means they need to be protected. Commercial property insurance is designed to be one of the smartest investments you can make.

Unexpected accidents or events such as storms, fires or other setbacks can happen anytime. Business property insurance provides the support and financial assistance to help you quickly recover.

How does commercial property coverage work?

Commercial property insurance coverage varies, but is generally classified by the type of event leading to loss, and by what is insured.

Basic property insurance usually covers losses caused by fires, explosions, theft, vandalism or damage from vehicles or airplanes. Additional coverage, referred to as “endorsements”, can also be added to provide extra protection for such things as earthquakes and broken glass.

The key items insured in business property insurance include your building, office equipment, inventory and outdoor items.

Taking inventory

Before meeting with an agent, take an inventory of your business. This helps determine what property should be insured, what is worth insuring and what replacement values should be.

The property you might insure could include:

  • The building that houses your business. There’s coverage if you lease or rent your space and are obligated to insure the building you occupy.
  • All office equipment, including computers, phone systems and furniture, whether they’re owned or leased.
  • Accounting records and other important company documents
  • Manufacturing or processing equipment
  • Inventory kept in stock
  • Fences and landscaping
  • Signs and satellite dishes

How do you want things covered?

Commercial property insurance plans pay for losses based on the replacement costs or actual cash value of the item(s).

  • Replacement costs (RC) is the amount necessary to repair, replace or rebuild property on the same premises, with comparable materials and quality, without deductions for depreciation.
  • Actual cash value (ACV) is the cost to replace with new property of similar style and quality, minus depreciation.

Typically, premiums for policies covering property insured on an ACV basis are lower because the limits only include the depreciated value. This might not be enough if you elect to insure the property on a RC basis. A Pronto Insurance agent will work to make sure your property is adequately insured.

Please Note: Product, coverage, discounts, insurance terms, definitions, and other descriptions are intended for informational purposes only and do not in any way replace or modify the definitions and information contained in your individual insurance contracts, policies, and/or declaration pages.

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